Young Thug Bursts Into Laughter During Courtroom Question About Rich Homie Quan

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Atlanta, GA — In a surprising courtroom moment, Young Thug was seen laughing uncontrollably during his ongoing trial when a witness raised a question about his alleged disputes with Rich Homie Quan.Get our app for free 

>On September 3, State witness Kenneth “Lil Woody” Copeland was on the stand when a prosecutor questioned him about Young Thug’s supposed issues with Quan, specifically regarding the rapper allegedly bringing gang members to Thug's apartment. Instead of responding, Copeland directed the question to Thug, asking, “Thug, did you have an issue with Rich Homie?”

The prosecutor swiftly intervened, not allowing Thug to respond, but the rapper’s reaction was noteworthy as he laughed heartily at the courtroom exchange.

Copeland, known for his controversial and erratic behavior during the trial, has previously admitted to lying and making up stories in court. “I have lied. I made things up,” he said, expressing frustration over being pressured into testifying. His unreliability has been a significant issue for the prosecution, leading him to answer many questions with “I don’t recall” and even firing his own lawyer while on the stand.

This is not the first instance of Young Thug displaying amusement during the trial. Last month, he was caught laughing during his attorney Brian Steel’s metaphorical explanation about not having access to prosecution evidence, leading him to cover his face in an attempt to regain composure.

Despite facing multiple charges and potential decades in prison, Young Thug’s reactions in court continue to draw attention amid the high-profile YSL RICO case.


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