Willis Raburu Reveals How Church Model Hurt Him During His Darkest Times

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 Willis Raburu Reveals How Church Model Hurt Him During His Darkest Times

Media personality Willis Raburu recently shared his deeply personal experiences in a candid interview on Ofweneke's "Lessons @30". He revealed the challenges he faced with his faith and the church during some of the most heartbreaking times in his life.

Willis Raburu and his ex-wife Marya Prude were once dedicated members of Jubilee Christian Church (JCC). Raburu played a key role in the church, often seated right behind the pastor. However, his strong relationship with the church was tested following the loss of his daughter and subsequent divorce.

A Glimpse into His Faith Journey

In a heart-wrenching interview, Willis recounted the pain he endured when his daughter Adana passed away and his marriage ended. He expressed his frustration with the church model, which strictly interprets the belief that "God hates divorce."

"I don’t think the church as JCC hurt me, but the model—the contract that says God hates divorce—definitely did," explained Raburu. "People hang on to that without understanding the context. At that time, Jews were abandoning their wives without any support."

He went on to describe the emotional turmoil he felt when the church community, which once accepted him as a respected figure, began to look at him differently after his divorce.

The Lowest Point in Life

Willis opened up about the most painful moment in his life—the day he lost his daughter, Adana, on December 31, 2019. Expecting to welcome their baby with joy, Willis and Marya were instead faced with unspeakable sorrow when their daughter was pronounced dead at birth.

"The lowest moment in my life was the day I found out my baby girl wouldn’t make it. My daughter died. I don’t think there’s any pain that can compare to that," Willis recounted with deep emotion.

He shared the devastating experience of holding his daughter's lifeless body in his arms, a moment that left a lasting scar on his heart.

Struggles with Faith and Mental Health

The immense grief led Willis to question his faith. He recollected a moment of utter despair when he doubted the existence of God altogether. "I remember telling God, 'Okay God, you win. I don’t believe you exist. I don’t believe a just God would do such a thing.' We took a break for a while, God and I. But now, we’re fine," he admitted.

The following period saw Willis and Marya's marriage dissolve under the weight of their grief. Willis revealed that he contemplated suicide as he struggled with depression, feeling that the only way to reunite with his daughter was to join her.

"I went through moments when my therapist had to call my office. That’s when people started checking up on me," Willis explained.

A Journey to Healing

Throughout this tumultuous journey, Willis emphasized the importance of having a strong support system. He expressed gratitude for friends who stood by him, accepting him in every emotional state, and for his therapist, who played a crucial role in his healing process.

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