Videos:Single ladies in Venezuela protesting against one man one wife.

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 Venezuelan Single Women Protest Against Traditional Marriage Norms

A wave of protests has swept through Venezuela as single women across the country take to the streets to challenge traditional marriage norms. The demonstrations are centered around the long-standing practice of "one man, one wife," which the protesters argue is outdated and discriminatory.

The movement, gaining momentum over the past few weeks, is driven by a diverse group of women advocating for greater freedom and equality in personal relationships. The protesters claim that the traditional monogamous model restricts women's autonomy and limits their choices.

In Caracas, thousands gathered in the central Plaza Bolívar, waving banners and chanting slogans that call for a rethinking of conventional marriage structures. The organizers of the protest assert that the one-man-one-wife norm fails to account for modern societal changes and the evolving roles of women.

"We are not against marriage or committed relationships," said Maria Gomez, one of the protest leaders. "We are advocating for the freedom to choose what works best for us individually, rather than being confined to an outdated system."

The protests have sparked a national debate about marriage laws and personal freedom. Supporters of the movement argue that the current framework enforces a rigid and unequal system, while critics caution against radical changes to deeply rooted cultural practices.

The Venezuelan government has yet to officially respond to the protests, but the demonstrations have highlighted a growing discourse on personal choice and gender equality in the country. As the debate continues, the future of marr iage norms in Venezuela remains uncertain.

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