Rick Ross Reveals He Lies About Watch Prices in His Songs, Talks $5 Billion Jet Purchase

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Rick Ross has confessed to embellishing the prices of his watches in his lyrics, a strategy he claims helps him manifest success. In a recent revelation, the American rapper admitted to inflating the cost of his timepieces in his songs. 

“I always lie about the price of my watches in my songs,” Ross shared. “I once said my watch cost $100k though it was $40k at the time, but I knew it would be that price eventually. I spoke the price into existence.”

The rapper, whose net worth is estimated at $150 million, recently made headlines with his extravagant purchase of a $5 billion private jet. The jet’s cost far exceeds his net worth, showcasing Ross’s larger-than-life persona and financial ambition.

Rick Ross’s approach to manifesting wealth through his music and high-profile acquisitions underscores his belief in the power of positive affirmation and the influence of self-proclaimed success.


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