President Ruto Reaffirms Commitment to Affordable Housing Programme

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Siaya, Kenya – President William Ruto has reiterated his unwavering commitment to the Affordable Housing Programme, emphasizing its potential to transform Kenya’s economy. Speaking in Siaya, the President highlighted the significant role local artisans will play in this ambitious initiative.

President Ruto announced that local artisans would be contracted to supply essential materials such as steel doors, windows, and curtain rods, among other items. This move is expected to boost local businesses and create numerous job opportunities within the community.

To support this initiative, the government has allocated KSh 140 million specifically for the procurement of these supplies. This funding is part of a broader strategy to ensure that the Affordable Housing Programme not only provides homes but also stimulates economic growth by leveraging local resources and talent.

“The Affordable Housing Programme is not just about building houses; it’s about building our economy,” President Ruto stated. “By involving local artisans, we are ensuring that the benefits of this programme are felt across the entire community.”

The President’s remarks come at a time when the government is intensifying efforts to address the housing deficit in the country. The Affordable Housing Programme aims to provide quality, affordable housing to millions of Kenyans, thereby improving living standards and fostering economic development.

Local artisans in Siaya have welcomed the announcement, expressing optimism about the opportunities it presents. “This is a great chance for us to showcase our skills and contribute to the nation’s development,” said one artisan.

As the programme progresses, the government remains committed to ensuring transparency and efficiency in the allocation and use of funds, with the ultimate goal of transforming the housing sector and the broader economy.

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