Kehlani Takes a Stand During Tiny Desk Concert, Addressing Global Crises

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In a poignant moment during her debut Tiny Desk performance, Kehlani used her platform to highlight pressing global issues. The Oakland-born artist, known for her soulful voice and advocacy, addressed ongoing crises in Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Hawaii, and Guam.

During the concert, which premiered on July 31, Kehlani performed a selection of her hits, including "Nights Like This" and "The Way," alongside her latest single, "After Hours." At approximately 8:52 into the set, she took a moment to speak out: “I wanna take a second to say free Palestine, free Congo, free Sudan, free Yemen, free Hawaii, free Guam,” she stated. “Beyond a ceasefire, we need an end to the occupation. It’s deeper than this. I need everybody that’s here right now, everybody that’s watching to step up and use their voices.”

Kehlani emphasized the importance of making a tangible impact, urging her audience to contribute in any way they can: “Any difference you can make, it’s appreciated. Hire people [from those countries], send your money where it matters. We all we got.”

This statement echoes her earlier efforts to support these regions. In May, Kehlani released a music video for "Next 2 U" and associated merchandise produced in Bethlehem. Proceeds from the merchandise were allocated to Palestinian, Congolese, and Sudanese families through Operation Olive Branch. The items sold out quickly, raising over $555,000, as noted in her social media updates.

In a recent Instagram post, Kehlani expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support: “We’re blessed to say we supported artists in the West Bank while raising money for families in Gaza, Sudan, and Congo.” She continued, “We’re blessed to play a small part in a growing tide towards the truth about Palestine.”

The Tiny Desk performance highlighted Kehlani’s commitment to using her influence to advocate for change, reinforcing her role as both an artist and an activist.


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