Juicy J Claims He Profits from 90% of Modern Rap Songs Thanks to Three 6 Mafia’s Influence

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In a recent interview with Wiz Khalifa for LeBron James and Maverick Carter’s SpringHill channel, Juicy J made a bold claim about his financial gains from modern rap. The Three 6 Mafia legend stated that he profits from the majority of contemporary rap tracks due to the widespread sampling of his group’s music.

“I feel like the new trends are just old trends because everybody’s sampling Three 6 Mafia,” Juicy J explained. “I receive clearance requests for five to six samples a day. I get paid off of pretty much every song, like 90 percent of the songs that’s out right now.”

Juicy J expressed gratitude for the ongoing recognition from younger artists. He explained that he approves these sampling requests with enthusiasm, acknowledging the enduring influence of Three 6 Mafia. “It’s a blessing,” he said. “I love when people sample. I just approve, approve. Every time I get that email, I approve.”

Three 6 Mafia’s impact is evident in numerous hits by today’s top artists. For instance, Metro Boomin’s “Like That,” featuring Future, reworked Three 6 Mafia’s “Gotta Touch ‘Em” and topped the Billboard Hot 100. The group's influence extends to artists such as Drake, Cardi B, Travis Scott, and Migos, whose triplet flow is often traced back to Three 6 Mafia’s pioneering style.

Juicy J has long advocated for Three 6 Mafia’s place among the greatest rap groups of all time, emphasizing their continued relevance through modern samples. He previously expressed his appreciation for the group's enduring legacy on social media, stating, “Peace & love to Three 6 Mafia. Great to witness our music still going strong like it never left.”

Despite their success, Juicy J has been open about the challenges that led to the group's disbandment, attributing much of the turmoil to drug abuse. In a 2021 interview, he cited drugs as a significant factor in the group's internal conflicts and business struggles.

Juicy J’s comments highlight the profound and lasting impact of Three 6 Mafia on the hip-hop landscape, affirming their role in shaping the genre’s evolution and continuing to benefit from their innovative contributions.

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