Chris Brown Remembers Michael Jackson: Emotional Reveal About Missed Collaboration

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In a heartfelt revelation, Chris Brown has shared a poignant memory about the late Michael Jackson, expressing his deep regret over a missed opportunity to collaborate with the King of Pop. Speaking candidly about the encounter, Brown recalled how Jackson had reached out to him on his 18th birthday.

In an emotional account, Brown described the moment he first received a call from Jackson, initially doubting the authenticity of the call. “It was my manager who picked up the phone and told me, ‘Hey Chris, Michael Jackson is on the phone and he wants to speak with you.’” Brown admitted his skepticism, saying he thought it was a prank. However, when Jackson himself got on the line to wish him a happy birthday, Brown was overwhelmed with excitement and disbelief.

The significance of Jackson’s call was deeply felt by Brown, who described the conversation as an unforgettable moment in his life. “It felt really great,” Brown said. “But what got me emotional was that I was supposed to go see him the day he died.”

Brown recounted that he and Jamie Foxx were scheduled to attend a rehearsal for Jackson’s "This Is It" tour at the Staples Center. They were set to meet Jackson at noon that day. However, as anticipation built, Brown received a call from Jackson’s manager informing him that Jackson was ill and might not make it. Later that day, Brown learned of Jackson’s death through the news, a moment that left him devastated.

The loss of the opportunity to meet Jackson and witness his performance has left a lasting impact on Brown. “I’m still sad about it to this day,” he admitted. Brown’s reflection on this missed collaboration highlights the profound influence Jackson had on his life and career, as well as the enduring sorrow of their unfulfilled meeting.


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