Angelina Jolie Receives 8-Minute Standing Ovation at Venice Film Festival for "Maria"

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*Venice, August 30, 2024* — Angelina Jolie has captured the spotlight at this year's Venice Film Festival with her latest film, *Maria*. The actress and filmmaker received an extraordinary 8-minute standing ovation following the film's premiere, underscoring the significant impact of her performance and direction.

The ovation, which left Jolie visibly moved and in tears, was a testament to the film's powerful reception. As she embraced the filmmakers on stage, the emotional moment was a highlight of the festival, prompting speculation about a potential second Oscar win for the acclaimed actress.

*Maria*, which explores profound themes of resilience and identity, has been hailed as one of Jolie's most compelling works. The film's reception at Venice not only reinforces Jolie's status as a formidable talent but also ignites anticipation for awards season.

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