The ‘Digitine’: A New Wave of Cancel Culture Targets Celebrities and Influencers

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In the ever-evolving landscape of cancel culture, a fresh phenomenon has emerged: the “digitine.” This digital guillotine threatens to sever the virtual heads of celebrities and influencers who remain silent on pressing social issues. Let’s delve into the details.

The Rise of the Digitine

Once upon a time, being “cancelled” was the ultimate online punishment. But now, a more severe fate awaits those deemed “out of touch.” Enter the digitine, a term coined by TikToker Rae, which signifies a mass exodus of followers from influential figures who fail to champion popular causes.

What Is the Digitine?

The digitine represents a new class of cancellation. It targets celebrities, A-listers, and content creators who remain apathetic or silent about critical societal matters. Whether it’s economic inequality, environmental crises, or geopolitical conflicts, the digitine demands active engagement from those in the spotlight.

Haley Kalil: The First Victim

Model and influencer Haley Kalil found herself at the forefront of the digitine movement. Her offense? A video in which she lip-synced the infamous quote “Let them eat cake,” attributed to Marie Antoinette. The context? The Met Gala, where tickets cost as much as $75,000. Kalil’s 18th century-inspired floral gown added to the irony.

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The Digital Guillotine

The digitine operates like a digital guillotine. It slices through reputations and follower counts, leaving behind a wake of consequences. No longer can celebrities and influencers remain neutral; they must take a stand or risk facing the wrath of online activists.


As the digitine gains momentum, celebrities and influencers must tread carefully. Their virtual heads hang in the balance, and silence is no longer an option. The court of public opinion has spoken: engage or be cancelled. Off with their virtual heads! 🪓📱

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