Breaking News: Activist Nuru Okang’a Detained for Alleged False Information Publication

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NAIROBI, Kenya, Jun 13 – In a significant development, police have been granted permission to detain activist Nuru Okang’a for five days. The detention aims to facilitate thorough investigations into allegations of publishing false information1. Okang’a will be held at the Muthaiga Police Station while authorities continue their probe.

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The charges against Okang’a include cyber harassment, as well as dissemination of detrimental comments on social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube. These posts allegedly posed a threat to peace, order, and public safety in the Republic of Kenya1.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is spearheading the investigation, and Okang’a’s arraignment is pending. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story2.

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