Tragic Road Accident Claims Lives in Bomet County

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In a somber turn of events, Bomet County witnessed a harrowing road accident that resulted in the loss of at least five lives on Monday. The incident, which occurred along the Olonguruone-Silibwet Road, involved a collision between a matatu and a tractor.

According to a police report obtained by The Star, the matatu driver, who was traveling from Olenguruone towards Bomet, veered off his lane and collided with the tractor. The impact of the crash was devastating, leaving 18 passengers injured.

Emergency services were quick to respond to the scene, where they carried out rescue operations. The injured were promptly admitted to Tenwek Mission Hospital, where they are currently receiving medical attention.

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The local authorities have launched an investigation to determine the precise cause of the accident. Meanwhile, the community has been left in shock as they mourn the untimely demise of their fellow citizens and pray for the swift recovery of the injured.

This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for vigilance while driving. The county officials have urged drivers to adhere strictly to traffic regulations to prevent such unfortunate incidents in the future.

Our thoughts are with the families of the deceased and the injured during this difficult time.

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