Six Suspects to Face Trial for Terrorism and Murder in Kampala Twin Bombing Case

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By Juliet Kigongo

Kampala, March 14, 2024  — Six men arrested in connection with the June 2021 Kampala bombings have been committed to the International Crimes Division of the High Court for trial on charges of murder and terrorism. The suspects, who spent one and a half years on remand, will now face justice in the upcoming court session.

The Accused

The six individuals facing trial are:

  1. Kyeune Isma
  2. Walusimbi Musa
  3. Mubiru Musa
  4. Kabanda Musa
  5. Mwebe Muhammad
  6. Kabong Umar Ajobe

Charges and Allegations

The group is accused of Terrorism Financing and professing to belong to a terrorist organization. Their arrest came after intelligence information revealed their involvement in carrying out terrorist activities primarily in the Central and Eastern parts of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Training and Allegiance

According to the indictment, Kyeyune received training from co-suspect Musa Kabanda (also known as Musomesa) in JihadismIslamic doctrineskaratefirearm usage, and improvised explosive device manufacturing. Kyeyune subsequently pledged allegiance to Islam and the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

Financial Support and Recruitment

The suspects confessed to providing financial and recruitment support to the ADF. Kyeyune and another recruit, Mwebe Muhammad, were allegedly given pistols with ammunition to raise funds for the terrorist organization. Kabanda Musa, also known as Musomesa, admitted to recruiting and supporting the wives of trainees with food and finances.

Past Involvement

Interestingly, Kabanda Musa was previously arrested in 2012 for recording car number plates of judges and prosecution personnel during the trial of the 2010 Kampala bomb suspects. These bombings resulted in the deaths of approximately 76 people at Kyadondo Rugby grounds and the Ethiopian village in Kabalagala, Kampala.

As the trial unfolds, the court will examine the evidence against the accused and determine their fate. The case sheds light on the ongoing battle against terrorism and the importance of holding perpetrators accountable.

Stay tuned for updates as the trial progresses in the International Crimes Division of the High Court.

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