Police in Isebania, Migori County apprehended eight suspects who were found in possession of 165 kilograms of bhang.

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 The estimated street value of the seized bhang is Sh4.9 million. The suspects were traveling in a Toyota Hiace matatu, heading from Migori County to Isebania. Among the arrested individuals, three were Kenyans, while the remaining five were foreigners from Burundi1.

This arrest comes at a crucial time when the government is actively working to combat drug and substance abuse. In Migori County, law enforcement has been collaborating to curb illicit brews, drugs, and substance misuse. Just last month, the police impounded 10 sacks of bhang, totaling 120 kilograms, with a street value of Sh148,000. These substances were intended for the production of illicit brews. Additionally, another suspect was arrested with 531 kilograms of bhang, valued at Sh15 millionThe ongoing efforts to crack down on drug-related activities remain a priority in the region1.

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