Kisii Deputy Governor Impeachment: Father and Son Present Conflicting Testimonies

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Nairobi, March 14, 2024 — The impeachment proceedings against Kisii Deputy Governor Robert Monda have taken an intriguing turn as family members provide divergent accounts during the Senate hearing. The father and son, both key witnesses, have presented conflicting narratives, adding drama to the unfolding political saga.

The Allegations

Deputy Governor Monda faces four charges, including accepting an alleged bribe of KES 800,000. The charges stem from an impeachment motion tabled by Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) who accuse him of gross misconduct1. The case has drawn significant attention, with the Senate now tasked with determining his fate.

The Father’s Testimony

Mr. Ondari, the father of Deputy Governor Monda, took the stand early in the proceedings. His voice trembled as he recounted the events leading up to the alleged bribe. According to Mr. Ondari, his son had confided in him about a mysterious payment he received. “Robert told me that someone handed him an envelope with cash,” Mr. Ondari testified. “He said it was for ‘political support.’”

Mr. Ondari emphasized that he had no knowledge of the source of the money or its purpose. “I raised concerns,” he continued, “but Robert assured me it was aboveboard.”

The Son’s Contradictory Account

Deputy Governor Monda, sitting across from his father, listened intently as his son, Brian Monda, took the stand. Brian, a university student majoring in political science, appeared composed but resolute. His testimony diverged sharply from his father’s.

Brian alleged that his father was well aware of the bribe. “I overheard their conversation,” Brian stated. “Dad told Robert, ‘This is the boost you need for your campaign. Take it.’” Brian’s eyes welled up as he recounted the moment. “I couldn’t believe it. My own father encouraging corruption.”

The Tensions

The conflicting testimonies have strained family relations. The courtroom buzzed with whispers as observers tried to make sense of the rift between father and son. Legal experts speculate that the case’s outcome may hinge on which witness the Senate finds more credible.

What’s Next?

The impeachment hearing continues, with Deputy Governor Monda pleading not guilty to all charges. His legal team has lined up six witnesses, including family members, to bolster his defense2. As the drama unfolds, Kisii County awaits the Senate’s verdict, and the fate of its embattled deputy governor hangs in the balance.


  1. Standard Media
  2. The Star
  3. The Star

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