Somali lecturer who turned out to be an Al-Shabaab agent

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By Alex

Nairobi, Kenya - A former lecturer at the Somali National University and a renowned poet has shocked many by announcing his defection to the Al-Shabaab militant group.

Nageeye Ali Khalif, 32, appeared on a video broadcasted by Al-Shabaab’s media wing, Alfurqaan, on Wednesday night, declaring his allegiance to the group and its ideology.

He said he had joined Al-Shabaab in 2021, after being impressed by their operations and dissatisfied with the Somali government and its foreign allies.

“I have witnessed the atrocities committed by the enemies of Islam and the Somali people. I have seen the corruption and injustice of the apostate regime. I have realized that the only solution is to join the jihad and fight for the establishment of the Islamic state,” he said in the video.

Nageeye, who hails from Hargeisa in Somaliland, was a lecturer at the Department of Journalism and Communication at the Somali National University in Mogadishu. He was also a popular poet and a youth leader, who often participated in cultural and social events.

He was involved in several donor-funded projects to train young journalists and promote peace and reconciliation in Somalia. He had more than 10,000 followers on his X account, where he frequently posted his poems and photos of his activities.

Those who knew him personally or professionally expressed disbelief and shock at his decision to join Al-Shabaab, a group that has killed thousands of civilians and targeted journalists in Somalia.

“He was a brilliant and talented lecturer, who inspired many students. He was also a friendly and humble person, who always smiled and joked. I can’t believe he is the same person who appeared in that video,” said one of his former colleagues, who requested anonymity.

“He was a role model for many young Somalis, who admired his poetry and his passion for journalism. He used to encourage us to pursue our dreams and to stay away from violence and extremism. How could he betray us and join the enemy?” said a former student, who also wished to remain anonymous.

The Somali government has confirmed that Nageeye was indeed a member of Al-Shabaab, and that he had been using his position as a lecturer and a trainer to gather intelligence and recruit for the group.

The Minister of Interior, Ahmed Moalim Fiqi, said that Nageeye was part of a network of Al-Shabaab agents, who had infiltrated various government institutions and civil society organizations.

He said that the security agencies were conducting investigations to identify and arrest other Al-Shabaab operatives, who pose a threat to the stability and security of the country.

He also urged the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities or individuals to the authorities.

The European Union, which had funded some of the projects that Nageeye was involved in, has not yet commented on the matter.

Al-Shabaab, which is affiliated with Al-Qaeda, has been waging a violent insurgency in Somalia since 2006, aiming to overthrow the internationally-backed government and impose a strict version of Islamic law.

The group controls large parts of rural Somalia, and frequently carries out attacks on government and military targets, as well as hotels, restaurants, and public places in the capital and other cities.

The group has also launched cross-border raids and bombings in neighboring Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia, which contribute troops to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), a regional peacekeeping force that supports the Somali government.

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