Gachagua warns against Mt Kenya division

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Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has cautioned leaders from the Mt Kenya region against creating divisions along county lines. He said such a move would weaken the unity and influence of the community in the national politics.

Gachagua was speaking on Saturday at a fundraiser for Bishop Gatimu Kinyona Girls in Kinyona, where he also dismissed the talks of succession after the 2022 general election. He said it was premature and selfish for some leaders to start campaigning for the next president while the current one, William Ruto, had not even taken office.

He urged the people of Mt Kenya to rally behind Ruto, who he said had the best interests of the region at heart. He said Ruto had supported President Uhuru Kenyatta for two terms and deserved the same support from the region.

He added that the people of Mt Kenya would decide who would lead them after Ruto's tenure, based on their performance and vision. He warned that he would not allow any leader to divide the community along county lines, saying that this would only benefit their enemies.

He called on the leaders to work together and focus on the development agenda of the region and the country. He said the region had many challenges, such as unemployment, poverty, and insecurity, that needed to be addressed urgently.

He also thanked the residents for their overwhelming support for the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), which he said would bring more resources and representation to the region. He said the BBI would also foster peace and stability in the country, which was essential for economic growth.

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