Woman killed, breast mutilated in Gatundu South

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Police in Gatundu South Sub County are investigating a gruesome murder of a 55-year-old woman whose body was found dumped in a thicket near her home on Sunday evening.

The body of Racheal Wambui Njoroge, a mother of four, had stab wounds and injuries on the chest, and one of her breasts had been chopped off.

Area Sub County Police Commander Jonathan Koech said the body was discovered by a passerby who alerted the police and the family.Additionally get Pro AI video editor for free here is the link 

He said the motive of the killing was not clear, but they were following leads to arrest the suspects.

"We are treating this as a murder case and we are pursuing some clues that might help us to unravel the mystery behind this heinous act," he said.

He added that the body was taken to the Gatundu Level Five Hospital mortuary for a postmortem examination.

The family of the deceased said they were shocked and saddened by the incident, and appealed to the police to expedite the investigations and bring the culprits to justice.

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"We don't know who did this to our mother and why. She was a peaceful and hardworking woman who did not have any enemies. We are asking the police to find out who killed her and why they mutilated her body," said John Njoroge, the eldest son of the victim.

He said his mother had left home on Sunday morning to attend a church service and did not return.

He said they tried to call her phone but it was switched off.

He said they reported her disappearance to the police and started searching for her in the nearby areas.

He said they were shocked to learn that her body had been found in a thicket near the Thiririka River, about two kilometers from their home.

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He said they did not know of any person who had a grudge with their mother or who would want to harm her.

He said they were waiting for the police to complete their investigations and reveal the truth.

He said they were also appealing for financial assistance from well-wishers to help them with the funeral arrangements.

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