Scholars and clergy call for action on education cost

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A group of scholars and religious leaders from the Western region have appealed to the government to tackle the high cost of education in the country.

Speaking at a forum in Kakamega on Wednesday, Prof Herman Manyora, Dr Festus Mukoya, and Dr Odongo Were from the University of Nairobi (UoN) said that many students from poor families have been unable to access quality education due to the exorbitant fees charged by schools and colleges.

They said that the government should increase funding for education, subsidize fees, and provide scholarships and bursaries for needy students.

They also urged the government to implement the new curriculum, which they said would promote skills development and innovation among learners.

The forum was attended by representatives from various faith-based organizations, civil society groups, and education stakeholders.

They agreed to form a coalition to advocate for education reforms and to monitor the implementation of the government's policies and programs on education.

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