Henry Rotich acquittal: Prosecutors sued for bungling Sh63bn Arror and Kimwarer case

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 The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Transparency International, Katiba Institute, and Africa Center for Open Governance (Africog) have sued prosecutors Geoffery Obiri and Oliver Mureithi, accusing them of mishandling Sh63 billion Arror and Kimwarer dams’ case 1. The case involved allegations of irregularities in the tendering, procurement, and financing of the two dam projects. Several officials and companies were charged, with abuse of office, conspiracy to defraud, and misuse of public funds 2.

In a significant turn of events, the Nairobi anti-corruption court has delivered a major victory for former Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich. The court acquitted Rotich and his eight co-accused in the Sh63 billion Arror and Kimwarer dam graft case, citing a lack of evidence. Milimani Magistrate Eunice Nyutu, presiding over the case said that the decision to acquit the suspects came as a result of the prosecution’s failure to substantiate the allegations brought against the defendants 23.

This acquittal has raised questions about the effectiveness of the prosecution in handling corruption cases. The KHRC, Transparency International, Katiba Institute, and Africog have sued prosecutors Geoffery Obiri and Oliver Mureithi, accusing them of mishandling the case 1The case has been a high-profile one, with allegations of irregularities in the tendering, procurement, and financing of the two dam projects 2The acquittal of the suspects has led to public outrage, with many questioning the government’s commitment to fighting corruption 2.

The case has also highlighted the need for reforms in the country’s justice system. The government has been criticized for failing to provide adequate resources to the prosecution, leading to a backlog of cases and a lack of progress in the fight against corruption 2. The acquittal of the suspects in the Arror and Kimwarer dam graft case is a reminder of the challenges that the country faces in its fight against corruption. It is hoped that the government will take the necessary steps to address these challenges and ensure that justice is served 2.

1Nation 2Pulse Live Kenya 3The Informer

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