Mbagala residents escape disaster after a suspected bomb is found

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By Nahason Nyagaka 

Dar es Salaam. Residents of Mwanamtoti-Darajani Street, Mbagala in Dar es Salaam have breathed a sigh of relief after an object claimed to be a bomb was found and destroyed by experts from the Tanzania People's Defence Force (TPDF).

The object, which was discovered by one of the residents of the area who was doing farming activities in his farm, caused fear and anxiety among the residents of the area for 22 hours, while they sought help from security agencies.

The District Commissioner of Temeke, Mr. Hassan Mganga, confirmed the incident and said that the object was a hand grenade that had malfunctioned and failed to explode.

Mr. Mganga said that after receiving information about the presence of the object, he gave instructions to the security and safety committee of his district to follow up on the matter and cooperate with the TPDF for taking quick action.

"I received information about the object yesterday at four in the morning and I gave instructions to the security and safety committee of my district to follow up on the matter and cooperate with the TPDF for taking quick action. I am glad that no harm occurred to the citizens and their property," said Mr. Mganga.

He added that the object was destroyed by experts from the TPDF in an area far from the people's residences, and urged the citizens to be calm and continue with their activities as usual.

Mr. Mganga appealed to the citizens to be careful and report to security agencies when they encounter objects that are suspicious or frightening, to avoid disasters that can be caused by such objects.

"I urge the citizens to be careful and report to security agencies when they encounter objects that are suspicious or frightening, to avoid disasters that can be caused by such objects. I also urge the citizens to cooperate with security agencies in maintaining peace and stability in their areas," said Mr. Mganga.

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